Our climate efforts and the nature

In 2005 we made a plan for the nature here at Gyvelborg. This means that we as a farmer take into account the flora and fauna of nature. We have ridges along streams and when we have to harvest grass, or work in the field in other ways with our machines, we do not take corners with us, we keep our distance. It provides space for insects and wildlife. We have pointed-nosed frogs in our lake and bog area, which are protected. The meadow areas are only used for grazing.

Our streams are allowed to remain untouched. Therefore, the watercourse has meandered more and more through our fields, the water moves at different speeds due to all the turns that benefit nature and create more oxygen in the water and more habitats. Studies of the water in streams and habitats, have shown that the water is amazingly clean, there live some small animals that can only live there when the water is clean. We have many newts in our lake, that is a prof of clean water.

During the time we have been working on nature plans and ecology, more birds and other animals have come to stay at Gyvelborg. The woodpecker has come and has bred, it comes to the feeding board every day. We have got squirrels, we have got an owl that we hear every night and have bred last year. We have got ice birds that come every day to fetch small fish from the lake. We have created a natural stripe with summer flowers for insects and butterflies. It has therefore helped that we have had growth in several species of butterflies. We have many kinds of songbirds and other large animals such as badgers, foxes, deer, because our area is very diverse. Forest, bog, meadow, lake, several kilometers of streams, several kilometers of windbreaks, hills, valleys, sandy soil, clay, and bog soil. It creates many habitats for animals and plants. It is simply a gift to see that progress.

On the farm we grow everything 100% organic

Manure and deep litter from the farm are sent through a Biogas installation, Crop rotation with preferably 5 years of grass before conversion. Clover grass to create nitrogen for growth. We use different types of grains to utilize the nutrient pool in the soil. After grazing, we use nitrogen-rich crops peas-clover-lupine-horse beans. The length of windbreak, ensures that the fields are not too large, and to stimulate insect life. Windbreaks contact each other as a connection zone for wild animals. We use herbs for grass mixture such as Kommen-honey-chicory, to improve the soil. The forests are allowed to take care of themselves, it provides much more biodiversity. In collaboration with Thise Dairy, we have the agreement that from 2023 we will feed our cows only with Danish-produced feed. We use the heat from the milk, which is released when it is cooled down, to heat water and the farmhouse via geothermal heat. Our garden waste and branches, we collect in a humus stack in different places in the garden and forest, where many small and large animals benefit from this.

With all these things, it gives us a good feeling in our hearts that we are helping nature, and therefore helping to create a good living growth for different animals and plant species.

Throngs of life – biodiversity

Experience a multitude of life and biodiversity at Gyvelborg.
At Gyvelborg, we strive to create a harmonious operation that creates the basis for a wealth of life around the farm. In collaboration with Thise dairy, we participate in Bioskole, where we are inspired to make it even better for nature. We exchange ideas and make plans for our areas.

We let the forests take care of themselves, resulting in a rich biodiversity and our streams buzzing with life. Through our comprehensive nature plan and focus on nutrient efficiency, we avoid the leaching of nutrients into the aquatic environment. Yes, it’s a little geeky, but it’s part of our dedication to a sustainable future!

Our kvas fence is not just a fence – it is a home for animals and insects. On special occasions, we invite guests to participate in the creation of insect hotels, and you can even take a piece of biodiversity home with you by purchasing our unique insect hotels.
Everything at Gyvelborg is grown 100% organically – no poison, just pure and natural growth. We have even planted a food forest where we have various kinds of apples, cherries, currants, blackcurrants, rose hips and tame chestnuts. We have peace forest as part of our commitment to preserve and protect nature.

Welcome to a place where biodiversity is a way of life, and every step towards “Earth to Table” is a step towards a greener, more sustainable world. Visit us in Gyvelborg and experience how our commitment to biodiversity comes to life and can be tasted in our products!